Initiate Bills Payment Transaction

This Processes a bills payment transaction


To process a bill payment transaction you make a post request by passing Amount, BillerID, BillerName, BillerCategoryID and some other required payload in the request body to the initiate bills payment endpoint.

Request Payload

NameData TypeDescription
BillerIDStringBiller's ID
AmountStringTransaction amount in naira
BillerNameStringBiller's Name
BillerCategoryIDStringBiller Category ID
BillerCategoryNameStringBiller’s Category Name
PaymentItemIDStringPayment Item ID
PaymentItemNameStringPayment Item Name
CustomerIDStringCustomer unique identifier (e.g smart card number, meter number, IUC number, bettingID)
CustomerDepositSlipNumberStringSlip Number or Transaction reference
CustomerNameStringCustomer Name
AccountNumberStringCustomer’s account number
CustomerEmailStringCustomer’s email address
CustomerPhoneStringCustomer’s phone number
TokenStringAuthentication Key for the request

Expected Response

If the request is successful, it returns a status code of 200 with a response body

  "Status": "SuccesfulButFeeNotTaken",
 "StatusDescription": "Main Transaction Was Successful But Fee Was Not Taken. Reason is: Invalid Amount",
 "ReferenceID": 0,
 "IsSuccessFul": true,
 "ResponseMessage": "Main Transaction Was Successful But Fee Was Not Taken. Reason is: Invalid Amount",
 "ResponseCode": "00",
 "Reference": "",
 "SessionID": null,
 "RequestStatus": true,
 "ResponseDescription": "Main Transaction Was Successful But Fee Was Not Taken. Reason is: Invalid Amount",
 "ResponseStatus": null

You can check out API reference to Initiate Bills Payment Transaction