Create Fixed Deposit
This creates a fixed deposit account
To create a fixed deposit account you first need to build the complete create fixed deposit account endpoint by passing the version to the query path and authToken to the query params. Then, you make a post request by passing IsDiscountDeposit, AccountName, AccountNo, Amount, and Tenure and other required payload to the complete endpoint.
Required Payload
Name | Data Type | Description | |
IsDiscountDeposit | Boolean | Determines if interest should be paid upfront | Mandatory |
InterestRate | Int | Deposit interest rate | Mandatory |
Amount | String | Amount for fixed deposit | Mandatory |
Narration | String | Narration | Optional |
Tenure | Int | Fixed deposit tenure in days | Mandatory |
CustomerID | String | Customer's ID from CBA | Mandatory |
ProductCode | String | Product code for the fixed deposit product | Mandatory |
LiquidationAccount | String | Liquidation account | Mandatory |
ApplyInterestMonthly | Boolean | Applies interest monthly | Mandatory |
AppyInterestRollover | Boolean | Rolls over interest | Mandatory |
ShouldRollover | Boolean | Rolls over prinicipal | Mandatory |
AccountOpenningTrackingRef | String | Fixed deposit reference | Mandatory |
InterestAccrualCommenceDate | Date | Start date of interest accrual | Mandatory |
Expected Request
"IsDiscountDeposit": true,
"InterestRate": 7,
"Amount": "1000",
"Narration": "fixeddep",
"Tenure": 30,
"CustomerID": "004053",
"ProductCode": "301",
"LiquidationAccount": "1100040534",
"ApplyInterestMonthly": true,
"ApplyInterestOnRollOver": true,
"ShouldRollOver": true,
"AccountOpenningTrackingRef": "fixeddeptest2",
"InterestAccrualCommenceDate": "2023-08-20"
Expected Response
If the request is successful, it returns a status code of 200 with a response body.
"IsSuccessful": true,
"CustomerIDInString": null,
"Message": "Fixed Deposit Account was created Successfully.",
"TransactionTrackingRef": "fixeddeptest2",
"Page": null
NoteApplyInterestMonthly and AppyInterestRollover cannot be same value, one has to be False and the other True
You can check out API reference to Create Fixed Deposit Account
Updated 11 months ago