Account Enquiry
Account enquiry is used when you want to get all of the information about a customer account
This endpoint gets all the details about a particular customer's account.
To get all the details on a customer's account, you make a post request by passing AccountNo and Authentication code in your request body to the account enquire endpoint.
Expected Request
"AccountNo" : "1100057465",
It is important to note that both AccountNo and Authentication are required in the request palyload.
Expected Response
If the request is successful, it returns a status code of 200 with a response body.
"Name": "okponyia chioma",
"FirstName": null,
"LastName": null,
"Email": null,
"PhoneNo": null,
"Nuban": "1100001561",
"Number": "00010011010000156",
"ProductCode": "101",
"PhoneNuber": "09072307496",
"BVN": "22407294749",
"AvailableBalance": 11487166.9420,
"LedgerBalance": 11487166.9420,
"Status": "Active",
"Tier": "1",
"MaximumBalance": 11020501.3260,
"MaximumDeposit": null,
"IsSuccessful": true,
"ResponseMessage": null,
"PNDStatus": "InActive",
"LienStatus": "InActive",
"FreezeStatus": "InActive",
"RequestStatus": true,
"ResponseDescription": "Successful",
"ResponseStatus": null
An unsuccessful request will either return a 409 or 500.
This can mean you have missed one of the required payload in your request. Update this and try again.
You can check out the Account Enquiry reference to see how this will work.
Updated about 2 years ago