Create Virtual Account Request
This API is to pre-generate virtual accounts for a Merchant/Business
To start off Pay with Transfer this endpoint will be used to generate virtual accounts attached to a specific merchant or business using the account number (Primary account) of the Merchant or Business.
If you have not created a Primary account (i.e Merchant/Business account) to test with, please create one here Create Account
Creating a Virtual Account
To create a Virtual account, you are required to pass the following parameters:
AccountNumber: This is the merchant/business account number (i.e the account number created for the merchant) this would serve as the merchant primary account.
Product Code: The product code assigned to the virtual accounts created for the merchant/business, this can be created and derived on bankone. You can create up to 100 virtual account per product code, per merchant
NumberOfAccount: The number of virtual account you want to generate for the merchant.
TrackingRef: Unique reference number for the virtual account request
Expected Request
"AccountNumber": "01030014040004212",
"ProductCode": "404",
"NumberOfAccounts": 1,
"TrackingRef": "PWT-CVAref_478l674"
Expected Response
"IsSuccessful": true,
"CustomerIDInString": null,
"Message": {
"NominalAccountNumber": "01030014040004212",
"ProductCode": "404",
"TrackingRef": "PWT-CVAref_478l674",
"RequestDate": "11/11/2022 11:32:15 PM",
"NumberOfAccountsRequested": 1,
"NumberOfAccountsCreated": 0,
"Status": "Pending",
"CompletionDate": null
"TransactionTrackingRef": null,
"Page": null
NominalAccountNumber: Merchants Primary Account Number
ProductCode: Product code the Virtual Accounts were created in (Should match product code passed when request was sent)
TrackingRef: Unique Reference for the Create Virtual Account Request (Same as the one passed when sending the request)
RequestDate: Date Time the request was sent
NumberOfAccountsRequested: Number of Virtual accounts requested when sending the request
NumberOfAccountsCreated: Number of Virtual Accounts created
Status: Status of the Virtual Account generation (can be: Pending, Processing or Complete)
CompletionDate: Date/Time the Virtual Accounts were generated (Its null when status is still pending)
You can check out API reference to Create Virtual Account
We strongly advise you initiate a Check Virtual Account Status request to get the actual status of the accounts created. You are required to pass the trackingRef used in creating the virtual account.
You can check out Check Virtual Account Status
Updated 9 months ago